James and Will arrived on the Sunday. James began a large format drawing in the main pavillion which he added to over the course of the next 5 days.
By the end of day 1 it looked like this.
So on the Monday morning In Between Days began. This was a much smaller festival as the majority of the weekends revellers returned to their daily routines. But for a very respectable hardcore, the next four days was to be driven by our music choices, specific events that we picked, and our takeover of the on-site TV channel where we got to choose all the content for 24 hours a day until midday on the Friday.
We started the day with an introductory talk about Amos to give festival goers some clue as to who it was that was programming their entertainment for the next four days. This was based on talks we have given for Candy Collective in Dublin and Copenhagen. Unlike with those talks we did not have the use of a projector as I was a spanner and didn't bring the annoyingly specific connector for the model of laptop I was carrying. Luckily, seeing this was the first event, and the 'zines containing the day's events had not yet been distributed, the turnout was manageable; so while walking up and down the isles with lap top in hand, we introduced the company, discussed what we did, and looked at some of our individual formative influences.
We also looked at some of our joint influences which initially drew us together (including shared music tastes) and discussed the history of how we began to work with each other.
Once the talk and a brief Q&A were over we showed the first of our chosen 35mm films in the cinema. Alex Cox's LA Punk Rock slacker thriller, Repo Man, was a big film for both James and myself. James and Will had never seen it on a big screen so it seemed apt that we get to show it here.
This was followed by another film great and a rare opportunity to see Godfrey Reggio's time lapse masterpiece, Koyaanisqatsi, on a big screen.
That evening we were treated to stunning live performances from New York's White Hills, Cleveland's Emeralds, Chicago's Cave, Berlin's Ulrich Schnauss, and the cosmopolitan Hallogallo fronted by German rock legend, Michael Rother, who earlier that day had amused James with his choice of breakfast cereal. I'll let him explain... Each band played an incredible set, spurred on by the intimacy of the event and the enthusiasm of the crowd. I think it's safe to say that just about everyone in the venue was blown away by the end of the night.
White Hills
Because of the intimate nature of the festival we wanted to try and personalise our involvement as much as possible, so one of the things we decided was to produce a handmade photocopied 'zine for each day. These primarily gave information on the days events, a personal summary of the bands, information on Amos, and the TV schedule for the day. There was also room for some silliness...
More soon...
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