First of all, apologies for the lack of recent posts.
Last week we moved out of the office we've been in for the past five years. I've also been working on a really interesting freelance job which should see the light of day next month.
I have approved sculpting and am finishing up the colour spec and packaging for our last scheduled figure for 2008. I've also just sent off the artwork for the next series of Amos T-shirts.
I've also been tapering my training for next week's London Marathon, which I am doing for the first time. I did a last long run of 28 miles on Easter Sunday and since then I've been winding things down. I managed to pick up a hopefully minor injury to my right ankle since then, but I'm hoping that will clear up in the next couple of days. I'll be running London for my club, Herne Hill Harriers, so look out for me in a red-and-black horizontal striped vest if you happen to be spectating on the day.